Olivia Peters-Lazaro, L.Ac. treating a man with acupuncture needles

Acupuncture Treatment

A typical visit starts with you checking in with the acupuncturist about your primary concern, and then getting an individualized treatment. We like to know how you’re doing in general, beyond the usual single thing you are coming in for. How’s your sleep? Digestion? Mood? Energy? What else is going on with you?

Acupuncture has beneficial side effects.

For example, even if we haven’t directly addressed your severe back pain yet, you might experience relief and reduced tension, indicating that the treatment series is starting to do something for you.  

First-time patients complete paperwork that tells us what they most want help with that day, what their health goals are, and their overall health history.  Although it may be most appropriate to focus on one concern, acupuncture always treats you as a whole.

During your treatment, you can rest as long as you like. The recommended minimum time is 20 minutes, and you can rest up to 40 min.


Click on the links below to learn more about our other services.

Cupping Treatment | Pregnancy & Fertility | Pediatric Acupuncture | Herbal Consultation | Massage Therapy